Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Best Holidays

In my last holidays me and my friends got a 

journey around the lakes in the south of the Araucania region. It was summer so we haven’t problems with the weather, five days we spend traveling in those small towns.

Our first parade was Lican ray, “Lican” means rock and “Ray” flower in the original language (Mapudungun), it is in the north of Calafquen lake and if you watch to the east you can see the Villarica´s Volcano. We stayed two days there it was wonderful because it was my first holidays without my parents so we were free to do whatever we want (sleep until 2pm, go to the beach in the night, etc.)

Then our next destiny was “Caburgua”, Caburgua it’s a little town nearly to the Mountains of “Cordillera de los Andes” so his panoramic view its full of hills and waterfalls, actually we go to a place called “Ojos del Caburgua” there are waterfalls from the Caburgua lake trough undergrown water canals.

                                    ¡ The South is Wonderful !

English Language Challenges

I been always interested on learn other languages, actually I can “cheer” in 6 different languages (don’t ask me why). When I was a little ...