Wednesday, November 8, 2017

English Language Challenges

I been always interested on learn other languages, actually I can “cheer” in 6 different languages (don’t ask me why). When I was a little child at primary school were the first time I learn something in English I remember my first words Left and Right I learn it at the same time that “izquiera” y “derecha”, well this fact doesn’t make me a professional in english because to learn right a new language you need to practice a lot !!.

I think English class here at the university it’s totally useful, Blog experience at English III and Video blog of English IV are very interesting tools when you need to practice your grammar and pronunciation, also have to create “histories” or talk about very entertaining topics, this make blogger experience if isn’t the best, one of the best ways to practice grammar and text writing.

The most important think at this level its pronunciation, video blog its great tool but I think it could be another way to practice, well I have a German friend we talk since I knew his mother on Dominican Republic, I help her with Spanish and she teach me some crazy words in German, but the important part is that we communicate everything in english, with this a practice a lot of oral communication and we learn together (both aren’t experts in english).

Outside English class I use English to watch videos in YouTube of science, of stuff like that and when I am with my friends we joke a lot in english saying a lot of funny things also memes now are in english too so we shared a lot content.
PD: Watch this channel its awesome.

Changes To My Study Programme

English Language Challenges

I been always interested on learn other languages, actually I can “cheer” in 6 different languages (don’t ask me why). When I was a little ...