Tuesday, June 27, 2017

My Blogging Experience

Blogger was an experience really good for me, lecture and writing have been out of my life for too many years, that’s bad well and it’s my fault… When I was a child in my daily life the days classes end all my free time I spent it playing or doing a complete different thing then go home to study (read the book for the next week), so tired after all my day, my mom helped me reading all the book. This platform where a lot of writers born its very helpful to the hour of practice our drafting abilities and publish your ideas or simply the way you see the world.
I still believe I should improve because I know that I can do it better this is an experience that I will keep doing after finish the course.

Well like you can see I’m bad drafting texts I’m better telling histories so maybe one day the weekly blog can ask for a video of you telling a history about anything that you want. In the same way that I wrote a couple months ago, “You’re Favorite Place in the World” it’s a good idea to add to the weekly blog, I have a lot of write of this because I have a lot favorite places actually that was the point I believe that every place had his own magic, and that’s awesome, see the world of different points of view. Find another person who like me it would have been very entertaining.


English Language Challenges

I been always interested on learn other languages, actually I can “cheer” in 6 different languages (don’t ask me why). When I was a little ...