Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Our Amazing Human Body: Our Magnificent Eyes

The world it’s amazing the nature, and all the living species are beautiful. The night sky with stars up there actually we invented technologic devices to watch them better, but what would be us without our sight to watch this beauty?

Our eyes understand the environment using light reflected of the objects of there, transforming the light into chemical information that travel by neuronal fibers until the back side of the brain (occipital lobe), were the visual scene is accomplished by the visual association cortex.

With the size of two chestnuts in the front part of our face, the eyes are very exposed to outside of our organism. This can bring a lot of problems with contamination and bacterial diseases but the natural selection do his work, now we have a lot of mechanism of defense like our eyelashes, eye lids, eyebrows and finally our tears.

The most common diseases of the eyes are: glaucoma, conjunctivitis (bacterial) and problems with the shape of the eye like astigmatism, myopia, and farsightedness.

                                          The eyes are the windows of our soul.


  1. spam hahaha, damn dude eyes are wonderful, they're the all-time best natural camera we have, they are so beautiful too :3
    bye m8, see ya

  2. as Mr. Camilo said, the best camera is the eyes, also share so much ... It is sad that they are so delicate being so important:(
    See you, xoxo

  3. The eyes are amazing! The world can compose thank to the eyes!


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