Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Your New Job

When humans figure out that food can be saved and could exchange it for something they want, was the born of trade. The fact of exchange things gives it value this make it necessary the way of a measure that valor, the born of currency it’s something that I won’t talk now but the important point it’s that humans need money to get things( food, clothes, maybe the last iPhone who knows) from others.

Since I was a child I knew that when I grew up I would have to work to earn money so that I could buy my things. I have never been working before but I see myself in a lab doing weird stuff, or maybe in a hospital like a pharmacist helping to solve some problem. I would like do everything, be outside watching or discovering things the same way as want to be inside of a laboratory. The money isn’t problem to me while I can eating well and had a place where sleep (Money doesn’t make happiness, can help sometimes but no). If your job gives you the opportunity to know other parts of the world I believe that one it’s the best job that you can get.

I would like take some courses in physics or biology soon, physics will help me to solve a lot of problems (actually when I hear the word physics imagine a brain making exercise) and biology because I want to focus in that area. 
"Maybe me and my team doing some weird stuff"


  1. I like the biology too! I think it's so interesting and, like you, when I was a child I imagine myself working in a lab, doing weird stuffs jajs.

  2. If you like the biology area, why you didn't enter to biochemistry?
    see you, xo

  3. You would try a Doctorate in Biochemistry! :) I see you in that photo haha, are you the one with glasses and curly hair? Just kidding, have a nice weekend dude,
    see u!


English Language Challenges

I been always interested on learn other languages, actually I can “cheer” in 6 different languages (don’t ask me why). When I was a little ...