Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Post Graduate Studies

Here at the university once I hear some teacher saying “Scientifics lives with one foot in the past and one in future” they are in the limit of reality. Historians spend those lives studying our past learning new points of view, actually it’s very important too, without this humanity maybe could make the same mistakes of our past. Filmmakers lives imagining the future (Science fiction filmmakers) showing they visions of future with advanced technology that can make us travel to another planets or devices very smart, I don’t know all that kind of stuff. Meanwhile Scientifics with the knowledge of past can be modeling things, working hard to prove their visions or assumptions.
I know it’s to be decided what I want to do the rest of my life because I don’t know in profundity the areas maybe in 3 years I could live the career and study to be the best chef of the word who knows the future is uncertain. But since I decided study Pharmacy a PhD of Biochemistry has been going around in my head, and here at the university I found another interesting area “Clinic Pharmacy”, actually I mentioned indirectly in a previous post.

It’s one of my dreams get out of the country to do a major in anything jaja, if the opportunity gives I’m going to take it without thinking twice. Because you don’t only learn whatever you were studying you’re also inside in a new society learning about their culture, the way of think and a lot of interesting things.

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